Common Lawn Diseases in Charlotte

3 Common Lawn Diseases in Charlotte

Caring for a beautiful lawn is a labor of love for many homeowners in the Greater Charlotte area. However, even with the best lawn care in Charlotte, your lawn can still fall prey to diseases. Lawn diseases can cause significant damage to your grass, turning it brown, thinning it out, and even killing it. Understanding the common lawn diseases for Charlotte lawns and how to treat them can help you keep your lawn healthy and vibrant year-round.

What is Brown Patch?

Brown patch disease is one of the most common lawn diseases in Charlotte. It can be easily identified by circular patches of brown or yellowing grass with a darker ring around the edge. These patches can vary in size and can spread quickly, damaging large areas of a lawn. Brown patch is caused by a fungus that thrives in warm, moist conditions, making it especially prevalent during hot and humid weather in Charlotte. To prevent brown patch disease, homeowners should avoid watering their lawn at night, never overwater, and make sure to keep their lawn mowed to the appropriate height.

What is Dollar Spot Fungus?

Dollar spot disease is another common disease that can affect Charlotte lawns, and begins developing when night temperatures exceed 50 degrees. Some factors that encourage dollar spot are extended periods of wetness, such as overnight dews, overcast weather, thatch build-up and nitrogen deficiencies. It appears as small, silver-dollar-sized patches of dead grass and discoloration. During morning dew, it can be seen with a distinctive white, cobweb-like growth on the blades. The disease can quickly spread, causing large areas of damage. To prevent dollar spot disease, homeowners should water their lawn deeply and infrequently, follow proper mowing habits, avoid evening watering, and aerate annually in the spring. High nitrogen fertilization can help prevent dollar spot and also help the lawn recover more quickly from damage.

What is Large Patch?

While similar to brown patch fungus, large patch is a disease that most commonly affects St. Augustine and Zoysia lawns in Charlotte. Bermuda grass is least susceptible and recovers quickly. Large patch begins to develop in fall when temperatures start dropping but may not become evident until early spring. Factors that encourage large patch disease in Charlotte lawns are thatch build-up, mowing too low, excessive nitrogen, poor soil drainage, and overwatering. To avoid this disease in your lawn, make sure to aerate annually and avoid planting warm-season grass in areas of water runoff. Large patch can also be controlled with preventative fungicides, applied at the right times. 

Professional Disease Control for Charlotte Lawns

Lawn diseases can quickly turn a lush, green lawn into a patchy, brown eyesore. However, with proper care and attention, you can prevent and treat the most common lawn diseases in Charlotte. If fungus finds its way into your lawn, Turf Brothers Lawn Care is here to help. Our lawn care programs include all the necessary fertilization, seasonally-timed throughout the year to sustain a healthy lawn. In addition, our lawn care services include curative fungicides to help protect your lawn if a disease occurs. Our lawn care specialists are happy to provide mowing, watering, and additional recommendations along the way to ensure your Charlotte lawn is in great shape. Contact us today for a quote!