Charlotte Lawn Mowing Tips for Summer

Charlotte, North Carolina, with its warm climate and lush greenery, is a city that boasts beautiful lawns. Proper lawn maintenance is essential to maintaining a green lawn with healthy grass roots. With lawn mowing, aeration, weed control, and fescue overseeding, Charlotte lawn care comes with a hefty to-do list. Here are some Charlotte lawn mowing tips to help you achieve a well-manicured and thriving lawn.

Charlotte Lawn Mowing Tips for a Healthy, Lush Lawn

Find the Right Mowing Height

Adjust your lawnmower to the appropriate height for your type of grass. Mowing too short can stress the grass and lead to a weak root system, making it susceptible to drought, disease, and weeds. Cutting the grass too short is also known as “scalping” and can cause discoloration in your lawn.

Always Follow the One-Third Rule

Never cut more than one-third of the grass blade length at a time. Cutting too much at once can result in literally cutting out the green. Scalping and cutting too low will shock the grass and hinder its growth. If you’ve missed a few mowing days and you’re dealing with taller grass, raise the mower height. Frequent mowing may be necessary during the growing season to maintain the proper height and avoid “cutting out the green”.

Keep Mower Blades Sharp

Dull blades on your lawn mower can result in torn grass blades rather than a healthy, clean cut. This can cause browning and increase the risk of diseases. Sharpen your mower blades at least once a year or more frequently if needed. If you notice any tears on the grass blades after mowing, it’s time to sharpen those mower blades.

Never Mow Wet Grass

Weather is an important factor in lawn care. With Charlotte’s hot summers, high humidity, and rainy seasons, it’s crucial to schedule your mowing accordingly. Never mow wet grass. It’s best to mow the lawn when the grass is dry to ensure an even and clean cut. Wet grass can clump together causing ruts in your grass and possibly damaging your lawn mower.

Change Up Your Mowing Patterns

Vary the direction in which you mow your lawn each time. Changing the mowing pattern prevents the grass from appearing flat and can help avoid ruts. Mowing in the same direction can train the grass to grow directionally. Over time, this can lead to compaction, thatch build-up, and weak root systems.

What to Do About Grass Clippings

If you’re mowing regularly and not cutting more than one-third of the grass’s height, it’s okay to leave the clippings on the lawn. Grass clippings can act as a natural fertilizer, returning essential nutrients to the soil. If you’re mowing less frequently or dealing with a lot of weeds in your lawn, you may want to bag the grass clippings. Grass clippings can disperse weed seeds throughout the lawn. Excessively long clippings can also encourage thatch build-up. At the beginning of spring, it’s a good idea to bag the clippings from your first mow of the season.

The Best Lawn Care in Charlotte, NC

By following these Charlotte lawn mowing tips, you can maintain a lush lawn that will be the envy of your neighborhood. But healthy lawn maintenance doesn’t start and end with good mowing practices. Weed control and lawn fertilization are half the battle and Charlotte homeowners can trust Turf Brothers Lawn Care. Our monthly lawn care program includes all the nutrients and weed control a lawn needs to stay healthy year-round. On top of that, we offer curative insecticides and fungicides at no extra cost, furthering the protection of your lawn. Turf Brothers is a family-owned and operated lawn care provider serving Charlotte, Waxhaw, Indian Land, Fort Mill, Rock Hill, and surrounding areas. Contact us today for a free quote!

*Turf Brothers Lawn Care does not provide lawn mowing services but we are happy to recommend you to a local landscaper we know and trust!